Does tooth implant hurt? What to expect when getting dental implants

It is normal to be a little hesitation before getting dental implants because it is a surgical procedure. If you are on the internet now and just searched for “Does tooth implant hurt?”, you are in the right place. This article will talk about the procedure involved in getting a dental implant and what kind of pain and side-effects to expect during the procedure and recovery period. Tooth implants in Sydney, Australia are generally expensive, read more about that topic here. 

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is fixed into place using a metal post that is put into the jawbone of the patient to be the anchor for the dental crown that will be placed on top of the metal post. This dental crown is the part of the implant that will be noticeable and seen when the person smiles. It is meant to act as the tooth. 

What are dental implants used for?

Dental implants are intended to take the place of missing teeth. Although there are many other options a patient can choose if they have missing teeth. They can choose to have dental bridges or dentures. However, dental implants can do much more than just aesthetically replace missing teeth.

If people have missing teeth, there is a chance that periodontitis and even bone and gum loss may occur in the area with the missing tooth because there is a lack of pressure put on that area. When people bite, they put pressure on the gums and bones underneath the teeth. If there is a missing tooth, the pressure needed to put on the gum and bone will not be there.

How painful is the procedure?

During the procedure, your dentist will have to surgically place the implant into your jawbone. This will require the use of anesthesia. Generally, you should not feel any pain during the procedure because the anesthesia will inhibit any pain. However, you may feel the pressure of the dentist’s tools and hands as the procedure is being done. 

After the procedure, you can expect the anesthesia to linger for a few hours before wearing off. You should feel some level of pain after the anesthesia wears off, but this pain should be manageable using the painkillers your dentist in Castle Hill at Beyond Infinity Dental clinic will prescribe.

What to expect during recoverydoes tooth implant hurt

As your dental implant heals, the thought of “Does tooth implant hurt?” shall come to your mind again, because there will be some pain you will experience as you recover. Here are a few ways you can manage your pain while recovering.

Take painkillers. Your dentist will give you a set of painkillers for you to use as you need them when you feel pain. 

Follow your dentist’s orders. The dentist’s orders are meant to be followed. Eat the recommended diet, and follow the rules until you can go back to your regular habits again.

Make sure the site is clean. Pain is sometimes caused by food particles that because lodged in the crevices of your dental implant. Follow your dentist’s instructions on how to clean your implants during recovery.

See your dentist if the pain because unbearable. If the pain becomes too much, talk to your MyHM Dentist in Kellyville. Pain is normal, but excessive pain may mean that there is an infection.

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